Wednesday, February 14, 2007

breaking up is hard to do.

“You’re very fetching. So go... fetch.”

Breakups are a drag. It has given me a stomach ache just seeing him at all since then. You’d think the mutuality of it would help, but I assume hurt feelings cannot be helped. I don’t know what hurts more, losing a friend or the companionship, but why can’t I make a concrete decision ever? Questions compounded upon more questions about whether I’m making the right decisions don’t help the situation… but that’s the clincher isn’t it? This is supposed to be easy—the beginnings at least—and that made my decision for me. Life is about hard decisions: like what fast-food restaurant to go to in a pinch and who’s going to do the dishes tonight. I made one, of many difficult to come, and I’m moving on; but not without the slightest tinge of remorse.
Moving on… I was asked to n.c.m.o. with a friend to get over it. Maybe I’ll have a fling in the gardens on our date next week. Or maybe I’ll get lucky in Provo who knows. That one’s for you Stephie.

Political two cents: I hate that 37% of Americans would not vote for an LDS Presidential Candidate. I often forget that the Mormon bias extends further than my own backyard. What can you do? Sleep well and don’t get hives… they’re itchy.

Friday, February 2, 2007

And today's Zen Proverb is...

Life is like stepping onto a boat that is about to sail out to sea and sink.
-Shunryu Suzuki

My english professor aptly opens class each day with a new zen proverb, hoping beyond probability that our functioningminds will glean enlightenment from these quotations. This one, for example, makes me think that life's going to give me constant ear infections. Or, if related to the gospel, we must cling to the idea of a Tritanic God, because if there's nothing beyond the haze of water we're all just dead anyhow.

On the boy front, clouds are pulling in.